Pause... Break... Give me a breather...
Ok first of all its been like centuries since i last updated my blog... well what can I say... with all my assignments and classes and exams, (actually it was plain laziness on my part) I just didnt have the time....
so shoot me...
Anyways I am back with more insights for you about my life....
Hmmm what can I say, my life just went from being normal to really twisted and complicated...
Why do you ask...?
Well i think that a human's heart and mind is more deeper than the ocean itself.....

Its cause some people around me keeps giving me really twisted and uncertain messages...
Its like I am not sure what the hell that person wants from me anymore....
Come on its really not that hard to make a choice right...?
I mean ok fine i always take like from 1 minute to 1 month to make choices... but some people around me can even make saints scream and howl in impatient....
So its like can you please make up your mind already...? You are honestly giving me a headache...

And to those of you out there.... please dont take such a loooooong time to make a choice... remember life is too damn freaking short... you either say yes or no... there is no such thing as in between...

if you take a long time to decide on your choice... trust me you are so gonna end up like the titanic under water... A HISTORY....

You keep waiting to make a choice and one of these days I m not gonna be around when you finally arrive at a decision.....