Pause... Break... Give me a breather...

Ok first of all its been like centuries since i last updated my blog... well what can I say... with all my assignments and classes and exams, (actually it was plain laziness on my part) I just didnt have the time....
so shoot me...
Anyways I am back with more insights for you about my life....
Hmmm what can I say, my life just went from being normal to really twisted and complicated...
Why do you ask...?
Well i think that a human's heart and mind is more deeper than the ocean itself.....
Its cause some people around me keeps giving me really twisted and uncertain messages...
Its like I am not sure what the hell that person wants from me anymore....
Come on its really not that hard to make a choice right...?
I mean ok fine i always take like from 1 minute to 1 month to make choices... but some people around me can even make saints scream and howl in impatient....
So its like can you please make up your mind already...? You are honestly giving me a headache...
And to those of you out there.... please dont take such a loooooong time to make a choice... remember life is too damn freaking short... you either say yes or no... there is no such thing as in between...
if you take a long time to decide on your choice... trust me you are so gonna end up like the titanic under water... A HISTORY....
You keep waiting to make a choice and one of these days I m not gonna be around when you finally arrive at a decision.....


Why I Love My Self...

I just realised why I should love my self..... I mean if I dont love my self then who on this god forsaken earth would love me.....

i used to think that i was single just because i was not pretty as my friends or because i am fat....
but then i realised one truth.... if a guy wants to love me just because i m pretty or slim then i guess I dont want his love altogether... cause what is the point really...? he is not in love with me but just in love with my body..... because i know the truth that beauty and slimness is not going to be there forever.... Thus I would rather wait for a man who would love me for what I am rather then a boy who thinks that only hot girls make good girlfriends....

so girls wake up and stop giving into the demands of your boyfriend to slim down or get a makeover or something that would change who you really are.....
I can bet with you that a man who wants to change you to suit himself is not a person worth being with.... (i meant in a physical way)....
So I ask my self... Am I fat...? So what...! I can still wear stylish clothes... i mean yes i m plump but doesn't mean that my friends hate me or my parents are ashamed of me....

I may not be a traffic stopping beauty but I know now in my heart that I am beautiful in my own way and I want to thank my family and friends who made me realize that....
My girlfriends always tell me that I am beautiful in my own way and yep its true.... My girlfriends and I are beautiful in our own way...
The point is we may not be so beautiful on the outside but they are so beautiful in the inside that it radiates out on their face and makes them even more beautiful than any other beauty queens I have ever seen....
So stop believing that you need to slim down or get a makeover because all of are beautiful in our own way....
Love a man who says you are beautiful not a man who says you are pretty and hot....
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY.... believe in yourself... dump that bastard who breaks your self esteem and your heart.... Cause I know you are worth more than that.... Do you know bout that...?


Beauty and the Beast....

ahhh we all love Disney right...? Although the movies these days are really crappy compared to the older ones.... I am very sure all of us would have our very own favourite Disney movies.... My personal favourites are Beauty and the Beast, Lion King and Little Mermaid.... i cant imagine two greater movies than these two....

and among these two, I love beauty and the Beast the best... especially the songs....! My personal favourite would definitely have to be 'Tale as Old as Time'. It was the MOST awesome song i have ever heard.... The music and the lyrics.... Such beauty.... And now my readers, since this song has been going on in my head for most of the time today, i decided to look up on the lyrics and post it.... I just hope that you love it as much as i did.....

Tale as old as time
true as it can be
bearly even friends
then some body bends

Just a little change
small to say the least
both a little scared
neither one prepared
beauty and the beast

Ever just the same
ever a surprise
ever ask before
ever just asure
as the sun will rise

Tale as old as time
tune as old as song
bitter sweet and strange
finding you can change
learning you were wrong
certain as the sun
rising in the east

Tale as old as time
song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast x2

So what is your favourite Disney movie or song of all time....?


is my heart breaking, bleeding or crying...?

i just got news that he is back with his ex.... i feel happy for him but do i feel sad for myself.....?
so the big question is...?
is my heart breaking, bleeding or crying..?

surprisingly its none of those.... i feel indifferent.... i mean i would be lying if i dont day that my heart feels heavy but thats it....

i just dont feel anything....
does that mean i m heartless or does that mean what i had was not love...?
or is my love for him as a friend has overcome my affections for him..?
well whatever it maybe.... all i want for him is to be happy.... if he is happy then i m happy for him....
peace :)


love... hormone or heart...?

LOVE... LOVE..LOVE.... everybody wants it, everybody is searching for it and some would even kill for it.... that's how powerful love is....
hmmm do i want love...? OF COURSE....! all my life i have seen people making a fool of themselves for love.... i always wondered what is so great bout love...? i mean yea, love is great and all and you get to share everything with that person... so WHAT...?
i have more freedom dude....! i am SINGLE...!
I mean i am practically seeing my friends fighting everyday with their girlfriends or boyfriends but they still go back to them at the end of the day.... so i have always wondered what is so GREAT bout LOVE...?
And then i got my answer.... i didn't like it one bit..... love sucks.... now don't get angry... read on and you will understand....

I have always thought my love for everyone would be the same....
i mean i love my parents a lot and thats a LOT... and i love my brother even more... i love my friends... i really really do love my friends.... so i always thought when i fall in love it would be like a normal feeling.... i always thought that all those songs and poems were just exaggerated stuff...but then i met HIM again... and my life have never been the same since then....
Its just not the same.... i receive text or calls from my family and friends i become happy but when i receive a text or call from him... i glow... i freaking glow like a light-bulb..... so i am very sure you would want to know if i am with him...? well sadly no...
i guess i would always be his best friend.... :)
yes my dear readers... i am in love with my friend.. make that estranged best friend who just re-entered my life....
sometimes i guess its good to be a friend rather then a girlfriend.... but the conclusion is that, now i know about love and its feel.... i really don't like it.... but i do love it.... confused..? so m i.....


A celebrity you find very beautiful

Sandra Bullock

Jennifer Lopez

Reese Witherspoon

Jennifer Love Hewitt
Natalie Portman
Jessica Alba
Mandy Moore

Carrie Underwood
Jessica Simpson